GAZA CITY: Islamic radicals from an
al-Qaida-inspired group battled Hamas security in the Gaza Strip Friday in shootouts that killed at least
13 people.The fighting began when Hamas forces surrounded a mosque in the southern Gaza town of Rafah where about
100 members of Jund
Ansar Allah, or the Soldiers of the Companions of God, were holed up, including some armed with suicide belts and rifles, according to residents of the area.The confrontation was triggered when the leader of the group defied
Gaza's Hamas rulers by declaring in a Friday prayer sermon that the territory was an Islamic emirate.Jund Ansar Allah and a number of other small, shadowy radical groups seek to enforce an even stricter version of Islamic law in Gaza and have criticized Hamas for not doing so. They are also upset that the Hamas regime has honored a cease-fire with Israel for the past seven months.Hamas has said it seeks to set an example and does not impose its views on others. It also says its violent struggle is against Israel, not the Western world. The more radical groups' calls for
global Jihad undermines Hamas' attempt to appear more moderate to Western eyes.The hard-line groups are perhaps the most serious opposition Hamas has faced since it seized control of Gaza and ousted its rivals in the Fatah movement in a five-day, bloody civil war in June
2007.The leader of Jund Ansar Allah,
Abdel-Latif Moussa, warned Hamas forces against trying to enter the mosque compound."If Hamas does that, it will be their end," he said.Shortly afterward, a gunbattle broke out between the militants inside the mosque and Hamas forces surrounding it. Hamas officers then raided the mosque.The group's leader had already fled the mosque, and
Hamas forces surrounded his house later and waged another gunbattle with his men.
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